Central New York
John Deere Collectors Club

Jack Herrmann- President
Brian Bessell- 1st VP
Jim Phillips- 2nd VP
Mike Taylor- Sec
Susanne Scanlon- Tres
Mike Benbura
Paul Tennant
Fran Pappalardo
John Melvin
Peter Toombs

John Deere tractors manufactured between 1918 and 1960 have a special place in farming history. Low engine speed incorporated into a two-cylinder design, with horizontal and vertical cylinders. One word sums up this design "simplicity" along with dependability, fuel economy, lugging power or low-end torque. 

A two-lunger, as many farmers called them, had a sound that some would call putt-putt or maybe a pop-pop. Since no other brand of tractor had this unique sound, it was easy to identify a John Deere and commonly refer to them by their sound as "Johnny Poppers". As a result the two-cylinders have become highly collectable, giving way for the formation of Two-Cylinder clubs where fellow collectors, meet, communicate and nurture this fast growing hobby. 

The Central New York Two-Cylinder Club (CNYTCC) would like to welcome you to join this fun filled hobby. The club was formed in February of 1992 and grown to (170) members. Our meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM at the Central Square Fire Dept. located at the intersection of Route 11 and Route 49 via interstate (I-81) exit 32. Meetings are open to anyone interested in the preservation and restoration of pre 1960 John Deere model tractors and implements. (Toys are also included). Ownership of a John Deere is not required nor is it an exclusive men’s club, women, young adults, seniors and wives are always welcome!

Throughout the year the club becomes involved in different shows from Fairs to Apple Festivals. Parades either Community or Firemen are well liked and well attended events. Our most popular event, without a doubt, is the Plow days held the first Sunday in May and the first Sunday in October. In the past few years there has been at least thirty John Deere tractors with plows working over approximately sixty acres during the day. By joining the club, a monthly newsletter will keep you well informed on all the latest activities, classified ads, service tips and more.

Become a Member Today!
New York State Two Cylinder Expo